Hello friends!
Today is World Peace Day
My students and I worked together to create
a visual public
statement about peace!
For several days my art students and art club have
been busy making pinwheels!
The students drew all sorts of lovely designs
and then
wrote words of peace on them.
We even made cute little Pinwheel pins for the students and staff to wear!
The following is from the Pinwheels for Peace Project site.
"Through the Pinwheels for Peace project,
we can make a
public visual statement about our feelings
about war/ peace/
tolerance/ cooperation/ harmony/ unity and, in some way,
maybe, awaken the public and let them
know what we are thinking."
"Imagine… millions of pinwheels spinning in the wind – pinwheels in the United States, Great Britain, South America, Australia, the Middle East, Canada, Africa, Europe and Asia; pinwheels all over the world! – big pinwheels, small pinwheels; pinwheels of all shapes and sizes – colorful pinwheels, decorated with drawings, paintings, collages, photographs – pinwheels with words of peace and harmony written on them – fields of pinwheels, pinwheels along roadsides, in schoolyards, in parks, pinwheels EVERYWHERE! "
We held our breath when we first heard the
weather forecast for today.
But, despite the predictions and early morning rain
it turned out to be a