What a month it was...
No complaints about the weather-THATS FOR SURE!!
The north-east has had such a mild winter so far
(not counting the freak ice snow storm back at Halloween)
Is this the "global warming" I certainly hope that it is NOT!
Funny.... most winters folks are glued to the weather channel wondering when the next storm will hit! I tend do a lot of "praying for a snow day!" (Yes we teachers are as bad as the kids)
Meanwhile I did read that Canada and Alaska have been suffering with frigid
temperatures-even breaking records last week!

Imagine -42 degrees !! Yes that is a minus sign!! In Circle Hot Springs Alaska!
Imagine that kind of brutal, bitter cold ANYWHERE??
Looking back on this month one of the
most interesting news items to me was the "Geomagnetic storm" we had on the 24th.
It was a cloudy couple of nights here so we saw nothing. But,
I hear the Northern Lights reached all the way down to Arizona.
And what else has been happening this January? Oh yes! Senior Projects!!....The reports have been written, the artwork completed, and presentations have begun!
I will post some photos tomorrow. So until then I Hope everyone has a lovely evening!
Hugs, Mary