Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Hi all!
Here is a peek into my high school art classroom...

In my Graphic Design class we are making our own tessellations!

1. Make a pattern
First you start with a 3" X 3 " card (cut from an index card)
Draw any shape line from the top left corner to the top right corner
Then a line from the top left to the bottom left corner
Cut the top piece and tape it to the bottom 
Cut the side piece and tape it to the other side

•see my example

Next take a large sheet of paper and lightly draw 3 " squares
on the entire sheet.

Then trace your pattern piece in each square

after tracing then color your patterns.

My tessellation is a Geisha face altered with a Geisha dancing

Thats all for now!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Soft baskets

Hello there!
My 3D class made the  sweetest soft baskets in class.

                         Inside the basket...

                               Close up view of the bottom

You start with rope from say, Home Depot. I dug out some misc. yarn to tie up the layers of rope.
You start with the edge of the rope and wind it tightly. Anchor it with some yarn tied in a square knot. 

I found it easiest to have my
 student work in pairs.
 One to wind and form
 the bowl and the other student to tie on yarn as needed.

They did such a lovely job
Don't you think?

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Changes-The only guarantee in this life

Each day that passes provides us with the opportunity
 to witness change occurring. 
From the sun rising and setting to watching 
children grow before our eyes - 
change truly is the only guarantee in this life.

Riding in the car this morning I noticed that
the leaves are the most beautiful mix yellow's and orange's.