Hi there my sweet friends!
I come in early every morning so as to get a good jump on my day.
First ...to set up a still life for my Drawing and Painting class.
They will be working with colored pencils on this study
of "Childs Play".
I want to try this still life in my watercolors.
Next prepare handouts for students to read on Georgia O'Keefe.
We have a film on her life we will finish watching first .
My Museum Art Class will be then taking photographs of a flower and magnify it (zoom into it) and paint what
they see in pastels and watercolors.
Meanwhile I see that the 3D class
sculptures are drying and will be ready to put on the finishing touches soon!
And now just writing this small post I have run out of time and need to get busy teaching!
Thank you for stopping by!
Come back again soon and remember I love your comments!!!