Thursday, January 3, 2013


Greetings and Brrrrrr
We are having a cold snap up here in Massachusetts.
I really should not complain since I really do not have to be outside much!  Just going to and from work each day. (and maybe a stop or two after school)

It is times like this that I am grateful to be a high school teacher and no longer have out of doors recess duty. 
Ohhh Yes, I have had plenty of those kind of duties in
my career.

Today I had some hot soup I bought from Wegmans. 
Yummmy yumyum... was it good!
It's their spicy "Buffalo Chicken" soup.
Thick and creamy and just hot enough to make
 your nose run and your eyes water!  I highly recommend
 it even if there isn't a cold snap where you live!

In my 3d class we have been making paper beads.
I made one as an example and I must say I love it!!

Sorry it isn't a really clear photo...
I only had my phone to take the picture with today.

While I have the materials out I will experiment with some more styles of beads.  For now though, I love the contrast of the black and white paper bead against the red glass beads.

Thats all for now!
Have a lovely evening 
:0) (keep warm)


  1. I really love your paper beaded necklace.
    It is stunning!

  2. Pretty paper beads!
    I love your paintings also!

  3. Hi again Mair
    When are you going to open
    Your Etsy Store?
    Can't wait to see what you have!!


I really love your comments! Thanks and come back soon!