Thursday, May 23, 2013

Getting back in the game...

Hi my sweet friends!
What do I mean by the title of this post?

Getting back in the game...
I have been so busy all year with my work at school
that I failed to keep up with my website and blog as much
as I would like to.

I have been doing some reading about what to do and not
to do as an artist.
• Here are some tips I came across from artist/writer Jack White.
Its the "12 Steps to Failure"

1. No one can find you...  I am an artist and people like my work but...
How many people are out there that have not seen my work...?
We artists need to let the public see our art. I can do this
 by up dating up my web site and blog.

2. Focus... As Jack White says-"Until an artist can find a voice/style that connects with the buying public and stay with it long enough for the foundation to take root, he will always be way back in the pack, frustrated and angry because he has not been "discovered."
 I am guilty of this as I love experimenting with different styles and techniques.
But...I must say I always go back to realism.

3. Distractions- Artists can find excuse after excuse not to produce work.

"Art is a jealous lover; she wants all your attention."
So yes I have a family and a full time job but... YES...
I can make the time to produce art if I am serious about it!

This is just 3 of the tips he writes about
I will be back with more!

Hugs to you all!

1 comment:

  1. Hi there Glatsical!!
    Thank you so much for stopping by and also for adding your sweet comment!!


I really love your comments! Thanks and come back soon!