Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Dr. Suess

Today is Dr. Suess's Birthday :O)
I do believe he would have been 100!!!

So, in honor of this well loved artist/author
I have created a watercolor painting to
go along
with one of my favorite-" Suessisms"

I like nonsense,
it wakes up the brain cells.

Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living.
It's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope, which is what I do.
And that enables you to laugh at life's realities

Here it is...
What do you think?
(Click on it to make it larger)

Have a great day all!


  1. That quote never rings more true than when one finds oneself in a crisis. Dr Seuss knew what was up. <3
    I only recently learned that he also drew anti-Nazi propaganda during WWII. His style of drawing Hitler gave me some major laughs.

  2. Hi Laura!
    I have always loved Dr. Suess!
    Especially the Lorax-It is all about saving the
    environment and never goes out of date!
    Thanks so much for dropping by my blog Laura!


I really love your comments! Thanks and come back soon!