Friday, May 13, 2011

Friday the 13th

Hi my dear friends!!

Ok I did manage to stay clear from all black cats, mirrors and ladders today!
Actually I was so busy I never gave today's  date much thought.

Last night was the opening of the Spring Student Art Show at my school.
The weather was perfect and my students were so cute all dressed up and happily showing
the guests their art that was on display.

Then today was Arts Day at school. The day was free of classes and we were all entertained by the concerts and art display and Freshmen show in the gym

Now all the artwork has been taken down, the gallery cleaned up and I am one pooped lady!

This week the Brimfield Antiques Fair opened.

 I want so badly to go but...
With all that went on this week I can barely walk so I guess I will have to miss out this year.
Yes...Im still walking with a cane but my surgery date is coming up soon.
I pray all will go well and I will soon be up dancing once again!

Gee, I am sorry I haven't any photos to show in this post. I am having a bit of
 trouble with Blogger today and cannot seem to up load them?

I do hope you have had a great week and now will enjoy a relaxing weekend!
Hugs to all!


  1. Sounds like a fun but BUSY day. I bet all the student artwork was great.

  2. Hi AJ!
    Yes it sure was a fun and busy day!
    I want to post some photos as soon as I can!
    Thanks for stopping by!


I really love your comments! Thanks and come back soon!